House of Lancaster
The Wars of the Roses
John Jenkins Design
Having not fought in any battles, Henry Tudor was not regarded as much of a warrior. Chroniclers of the period found him more interested in commerce and finance. Having spent the first fourteen years of his life in Wales and the next fourteen in Brittany and France, Henry Tudor was therefore unfamiliar with the arts of war and a stranger to the land he was trying to conquer. But he was known as being strong and decisive.
Henry recruited several experienced veterans on whom he could rely for military advice and the command of his armies, most notably John de Vere, 13th Earl of Oxford, who was Henry's principal military commander.
Henry Tudor decided to commit most of his small force into one single large division or “battle” and place it under the command of the Earl of Oxford.
RTLANC-11 - Lancastrian Archer
RTLANC-02 - Heraldic Banner
RTLANC-01 - Rhys Ap Thomas
OXLANC789-BS - Lancastrian Billmen
OXLANC-17 - Lancastrian Archer
OXLANC-16 - Lancastrian Archers
OXLANC-15 - Lancastrian Archers
OXLANC141617-BS - Lancastrian Archera
OXLANC-14 - Lancastrian Archer
OXLANC-12 - Lancastrian Archer
OXLANC-11 - Lancastrian Archer
OXLANC-09N - Lancastrian Billmen
OXLANC-09 - Lancastrian Billmen
OXLANC-08 - Lancastrian Billman
OXLANC-05 - Lancastrian Casualties
OXLANC-04 - Lancastrian Casualties
OXLANC-03 - Knight with Banner
OXLANC-02 - Battle Standard
LANC-35 - Lancastrian Arrows
Lanc-34 - The Battle of Bosworth Field 1485,Lancastrian Archer
LANC-33N - Lancastrian Archers
LANC-33 - Lancastrian Archer
LANC-32N - Lancastrian Archers
LANC3233-BS - Lancastrian Archers
Lanc-30N - Lancashire Archers
Lanc-30 - Lancashire Archer
Lanc-27N - Lancashire Billmen Set
Lanc-27 - Lancashire Billmen
LANC-26 - Lancastrian MAA
LANC-24 - Lancastrian Knight
LANC-23 - Lancastrian Knight
LANC-21 - Lancastrian Knight
HLANC-18 - Mercenary Pikemen
HLANC-17 - Lancastrian Archer
HLANC-16 - Lancastrian Archers
HLANC-15 - Lancastrian Archers
HLANC-14 - Lancastrian Archer
HLANC-12 - Lancastrian Archer
HLANC-09N - Lancastrian Billmen
HLANC-09 - Lancastrian Billmen